Friday, February 14, 2014

The Benefits of Mango

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1. Experts believe the mango is the source of the carotenoid called beta crytoxanthin, who fought the cancer that good material.
2. Mango is also rich in vitamins antioxidants such as vitamins C and e. One mango fruits contain seven grams of fiber which can help the digestive system. Most of the water soluble fibers and can keep your cholesterol in order to remain normal.
3. Mango has a pharmacological effect and chemical properties, which are pengelat (astringent), deciduous tracts, refreshments, talking lust enhancer, a mild laxative, deciduous phlegm and antioxidants.
4. Error on acid content of the mango is very good for the digestive tract. While the content of riboflavinnya is very good for the health of the eyes, mouth, and throat.
5. The mango was efficacious help cure a variety of ailments, including skin inflammation, influenza, asthma, vision of disorder, bleeding gums, inflammation of the throat, airway inflammation, shortness of breath and ulcers. In addition it can also cope with eczema, scabies, ulcers, stomach heartburn, diarrhea, intestinal worms, travel sickness, lack of appetite, menstrual disorders, vaginal discharge, hernia and rheumatism.

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